Remote VPN Access from Anywhere


Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) allow enterprises to build secure, private

communications over public network infrastructures. Several different technologies are

used to create VPNs, including Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), Secure Sockets Layer

(SSL), and Multi-protocol Label Switching (MPLS). This white paper focuses on the two

technologies used to provide remote VPN access for mobile users—IPSec and SSL.

To date, the networking industry has been divided over which technology is the right

choice for remote VPN access. This controversy has caused some enterprise customers

to delay their adoption of VPN, to avoid making the wrong technology choice. However,

when applied appropriately, both IPSec and SSL can be effectively used in an enterprise

virtual network. Each technology employs standards-based encryption and

authentication techniques that secure access to corporate data over the Internet.

Enterprises do not need to choose between IPSec and SSL, rather they can utilize a

combination of both methods to meet their security and business needs.

This white paper guides enterprises in selecting the appropriate technology—or a

combination of both—for their remote access VPN by answering the following questions:

What is IPSec?

What is SSL?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Which technology should I use to provide remote access for mobile users?

What considerations should I be aware of when designing my remote access


IPSec vs. SSL: Why Choose? OpenReach, Inc.

Copyright 2002, OpenReach, Inc. 2

What Is IPSec?

IPSec—or Internet Protocol Security—is a suite of protocols that provides security for IP traffic at

the network layer. It defines how to provide data integrity, authenticity and confidentiality across a

public network like the Internet. It accomplishes these goals through tunneling, encryption and

authentication, but allows enterprises to select the specific security policy appropriate for their

business. Configuration choices include:

Tunneling. Authentication Header (AH) or Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

Encryption. 56-bit DES, 112- or 168-bit 3DES, 128-, 192- or 256-bit AES, or none

Authentication. Username and password (such as RADIUS), username and token +

pin (such as RSA SecurID), or X.509 digital certificates (such as Entrust or VeriSign)

But with flexibility also comes complexity. For two entities to communicate via an IPSec

connection, both must agree to the same security policy, called a security association, which

must be configured in the devices on both ends of the IPSec connection. A single IPSec tunnel

secures all communications between the devices, regardless of traffic type (TCP, UDP, SNMP) or

application (e-mail, client-server, database). Tunnels can be established from server-to-server

and user-to-server. An IPSec server can secure traffic for many devices and is referred to as a

gateway; an IPSec user (an individual device) is referred to as a host.

Because IPSec operates at the network layer, users gain access to all company resources as if

they were physically in the office connected to the corporate LAN. Special-purpose software is

available to create IPSec connections. This software is typically available for user workstations,

PCs and mobile devices, as well as edge routers and firewalls. Some vendors offer specialpurpose

VPN appliances with the IPSec software integrated.

What Is SSL?

SSL—or Secure Sockets Layer—is a protocol used to secure web-based communications over

the Internet at the application layer. It uses encryption and authentication to keep

communications private between two devices, which are typically a web server and a user

machine. Like IPSec, SSL also provides flexibility in allowing enterprises to define the level of

security that best meets their needs. Configuration choices include:

Encryption. 40-bit or 128-bit RC4 encryption

Authentication. Username and password (such as RADIUS), username and token +

pin (such as RSA SecurID), or X.509 digital certificates (such as Entrust or VeriSign)

With SSL, each application is secured one at a time, unlike IPSec, which operates independent of

the application. To ensure security, each application server must support user access via a web

browser and support the SSL protocol. All common browsers such as Internet Explorer and

Netscape include SSL support by default, but not all applications do. This requires upgrading

existing systems, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

To solve this, some enterprises purchase special-purpose SSL VPN gateways that are deployed

at the edge of the corporate network and serve as a proxy (or go between) to LAN applications

such as e-mail, file servers and other resources. We browsers connect to the SSL VPN gateway

as they would to a web server. The browser thinks it is communicating directly with the

application, and the application thinks it is communicating directly with the browser or client

software. The SSL VPN gateway makes this transparent to each side of the connection.

To minimize cost, complexity, and maintenance, enterprises need a single VPN gateway that

supports both IPSec and SSL forms of remote access. OpenReach is the first VPN provider to

combine IPSec and SSL in a single VPN gateway under a unified management architecture.

IPSec vs. SSL: Why Choose? OpenReach, Inc.

Copyright 2002, OpenReach, Inc. 3

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Each?

IPSec and SSL are both effective ways to provide secure remote access to corporate రెసౌర్చెస్ over the Internet. The two technologies are similar yet different in their approach to VPNs, ఏఅచ్having its advantages and disadvantages. The primary differences are:

Accessibility and Ease-of-Use


Management Complexity

Scalability and Performance

Cost of Ownership

Accessibility and Ease-of-Use

IPSec VPNs require special-purpose client software for remote user’s workstations. Certain

operating systems like Microsoft Windowsä include embedded support for the tunneling protocols

PPTP and L2TP over IPSec, but not standards-based IPSec. Therefore, VPN providers have

developed their own IPSec software clients for Windows-based systems to work with their IPSec

gateways. These are usually designed as closed, proprietary systems that are not interoperable

with other vendors’ products. They also are not commonly available for other operating systems.

Because users can only access the VPN using that specific IPSec client, IPSec VPN access is

tied to a specific machine (laptop, desktop) often for a specific user. This can provide stronger

security but may limit accessibility and mobility. IPSec clients may also require manual

configuration making them somewhat difficult to use for non-technical workers like sales

personnel. OpenReach has completely automated VPN client configuration and installation,

simplifying set-up for both the IT administrator and the end user.

IPSec’s primary advantage is that it operates at the network layer, securing all data between two

end points, including all applications. Remote users have access to corporate resources as if they

were physically in the office connected to the corporate LAN. This makes IPSec ideal for

telecommuters and workers in branch offices. IPSec users can access the following applications:


File share

Web (HTTP)



Terminal services

SSL VPNs use standard web browsers like Internet Explorer and Netscape as the remote user’s

interface. A key advantage is that web browsers are familiar to just about all users and are

embedded in every type of user device from PCs to iMACs to PDAs and cell phones, as well as

every client operating system from Windows to MAC OS to Linux and Solaris.

Given the universality of web browsers, SSL remote access is extremely mobile in nature. Users

can access the corporate network from any browser, whether at a customer site, in an airport

lounge, or at a conference. This makes SSL ideal for traveling executives and sales forces.

Because there is no special-purpose client software to deploy, enterprises can also use SSL to

provide fast and easy extranet access for customers and partners. OpenReach recommends the

use of SSL access for casual extranet use, but for permanent or always-on extranet access,

OpenReach recommends installing a VPN gateway to create a site-to-site IPSec connection.

SSL’s primary disadvantage is that it operates at the application layer, limiting access to only

those resources that are browser-accessible or for which the SSL VPN gateway has developed

IPSec vs. SSL: Why Choose? OpenReach, Inc.

Copyright 2002, OpenReach, Inc. 4

special-purpose proxy capabilities. Applications accessible using SSL depends on the VPN

solution, but common applications include:


File share

Web (HTTP)


A major difference between IPSec and SSL is the security protection they provide. In many

cases, security is used as the primary criteria for selecting which users and applications should

use IPSec versus SSL. Both can play a role in an enterprise virtual network if applied


Enterprises should consider two critical security components when comparing IPSec and SSL:

encryption and authentication. Encryption is used to maintain the privacy of data as it moves

across the Internet. Authentication guarantees the identity of each device and user, ensuring that

people and systems are who they represent themselves to be.


Both IPSec and SSL support the use of encryption but use different encryption algorithms. IPSec

typically uses 56-bit DES or 112- or 168-bit Triple DES (3DES) encryption. SSL typically uses 40-

or 128-bit RC4 encryption. Each of these cryptographic algorithms is similar in that they ensure

data privacy over the Internet, but IPSec provides the stronger (3DES) encryption method.

One common concern among enterprises is how to ensure that remote users adhere to the

corporate security policy for encryption strength. This is a standard feature in IPSec VPNs. IPSec

accomplishes this because both devices must agree in advance on the security association in

order to establish the tunnel between the end points. This is not always a feature of SSL VPNs,

however. Some SSL implementations negotiate down to the lowest common denominator (40-bit

encryption), and therefore enterprises cannot guarantee the use of strong encryption for their

remote users. New, more advanced SSL VPN solutions, like OpenReach, provide the IT

administrator with the ability to only allow browsers that support 128-bit encryption, overcoming

this potential security weakness.

An important consideration for global enterprises is exportation of strong encryption algorithms

like 3DES. Check with your VPN provider to ensure that they are approved by the U.S.

government to export security technology. OpenReach is authorized to export strong encryption.


Like encryption, both IPSec and SSL support authentication to ensure validity of each end point.

Yet unlike encryption, the authentication techniques can be the same for both access types.

Supported authentication technologies are largely dependent on the VPN provider, but both

IPSec and SSL can employ username and password (such as RADIUS), username and token

+ pin (such as RSA SecurIDâ), or X.509 digital certificates (such as Entrustâ or VeriSignâ).

Digital certificate support can vary from using a certificate only on the server (VPN gateway) to

both the client machine (user’s PC) and the server.

Although both IPSec and SSL can use the same authentication technologies, SSL provides an

inferior implementation of authentication than IPSec. This is largely due to the fact that IPSec

requires a specific piece of client software be installed on a specific machine to access the

network, whereas SSL users can potentially gain access from any device with a web browser. To

overcome this security hole, enterprises can utilize two-factor authentication technologies like

RSA SecurID, which combines something you know (password) with something you have (token).

This approach guarantees the identity of the user, not the machine. Another option is using a

IPSec vs. SSL: Why Choose? OpenReach, Inc.

Copyright 2002, OpenReach, Inc. 5

digital certificate on a smart card, but this requires access from machines that support smart card

readers, which are still limited in deployment.

Enterprises that choose to use digital certificates should understand that the most secure

implementation is when both server- and client-side certificates are used. This is true for both

IPSec and SSL. However, with SSL, browsers are often configured to prompt the user whether or

not they will accept the certificate being presented by the VPN gateway as authentic. This is not

the case with IPSec software, since IPSec clients are proprietary to the VPN vendor and are

configured to know which server-side certificates to accept.

A disadvantage to SSL is that authentication requires the end-user to verify that the certificate

being presented by the server is correctly representing the server’s identity. There is risk that an

imposter will successfully fool the user into accepting a bogus certificate, thus creating a secure

communications channel with a hacker and exposing the corporate network to what’s known as a

“man-in-the-middle” attack. Enterprises should consider this risk when selecting SSL.

The OpenReach Service provides a fully managed pubic key infrastructure (PKI) that automates

creation, distribution, maintenance, and revocation of digital certificates for all users and VPN

gateways. OpenReach IPSec access provides both client- and server-side certificates.

OpenReach SSL access currently provides server-side certificates only, but will support clientside

certificates in a future release. Today, OpenReach SSL access supports two-factor

authentication using RSA SecurID, to ensure the identity of the remote user.


A key advantage of SSL is its accessibility and device independence—users can access the

corporate network from any browser on any workstation in any location connected to the Internet.

But some view this ubiquity as a security threat in that users may be accessing the VPN from

unknown machines. There is risk that corporate data cached in the computer’s memory can be

accessed by the next individual using that machine, or that stored cookies could provide

information about the user’s identity that could later be used to break into the corporate network.

Newer, more advanced implementations of SSL VPNs, including the OpenReach remote access

solution, overcome these potential security holes through session management techniques. IT

administrators can configure parameters, such as user inactivity time-out, to ensure the SSL

session is dropped if the user walks away from the machine. OpenReach also removes cookies

and cached content to “clean up” the workstation after the secure session is over.

Note that one security risk cannot be mitigated. Public machines like Internet kiosks are

inherently insecure because they are operated by an unknown (un-trusted) third party and are

placed in uncontrolled environments. For this reason, kiosks are subject to key stroke capture, a

common technique of hackers. This risk is most prevalent in public locations such as airports and

conferences. For this reason, enterprises may choose to limit the applications accessible over

SSL to non-sensitive corporate data or may choose to lock down access from specific devices

identifying themselves with a device-resident digital certificate.

Management Complexity

While IPSec is considered more secure than SSL, IPSec VPNs can be more complicated to

deploy and manage. This is because IPSec requires special-purpose VPN client software,

whereas SSL VPNs are browser-based. Another reason is that IPSec requires configuration of

many networking parameters and security policies to create an end-to-end VPN tunnel.

Deploying an IPSec-based VPN involves several steps, the first of which is distribution of IPSec

client software to all remote users. Although OpenReach has automated this critical step, few

VPN solutions on the market today have followed suit. Most require IT administrators to burn CDs

and mail them to users. Another common approach is to make the software downloadable from a

IPSec vs. SSL: Why Choose? OpenReach, Inc.

Copyright 2002, OpenReach, Inc. 6

LAN-based server, although this will not work for telecommuters who may never be present in the

office and thus can’t access the LAN without first getting the VPN client software.

Once users have received the IPSec software, they must successfully install it on their PC. This

step alone is often the greatest cause for help desk calls, because the installation may be

complicated or not succeed due to incompatibility issues. This is especially true when the IPSec

software is being installed on a PC that is not owned or controlled by the enterprise, as is typical

when trying to connect customers, partners and suppliers to an extranet. Many IT administrators

take installation into their own hands by installing the client image themselves, usually when PCs

come in for repair or maintenance or when new laptops are issued. This approach not only is

labor intensive, it also greatly slows down VPN deployment.

OpenReach automates IPSec client deployment by e-mailing users simple instructions for

downloading the IPSec software and enrolling in the VPN. In addition, OpenReach provides a

fully configured IPSec software client that automatically installs on a user’s PC without requiring

complicated set up.

SSL VPNs are often referred to as “client-less” because they work with existing software

embedded in user operating systems, although they do require technology on the server side that

can accept SSL sessions. This saves enterprises significant deployment cost and headache. IT

administrators can enroll users in the VPN “on the fly” by simply enabling their username and

password and providing them with the URL of the VPN gateway. In addition, SSL VPNs provide

enterprises with additional savings through reduced help desk support costs. With SSL, users are

typically connected trouble free.

IPSec can also be more complex than SSL because most IPSec VPN products require IT

administrators to become experts in tunneling and encryption technology by requiring manual

configuration of security associations. Making decisions on IPSec configuration parameters (like

rekeying intervals and perfect forward secrecy) can be daunting to even the most security-savvy

IT manager. Because IPSec manual configuration is so complex, many IT managers rush through

by accepting the defaults, which significantly reduces the security of the network. Others make

incorrect choices or configuration mistakes that open up security holes in the network perimeter.

OpenReach eliminates many of the management headaches common in traditional IPSec VPN

products. To create a VPN connection, IT managers simply point-and-click between two location

icons on the OpenReach Interlock Manager GUI. The OpenReach Network Operations Center

(NOC) then configures all security association parameters to create the IPSec tunnel.

OpenReach also replicates all policy changes throughout the network instantaneously,

eliminating the operational burden found in other VPN solutions.

Scalability and Performance

SSL VPNs are scalable in that they can be quickly deployed to remote users regardless of

machine or location, but IPSec is more scalable in terms of its transparency to the network. From

the user and application perspectives, the secure network (once established) is indistinguishable

from a trusted LAN. Existing network-accessible applications can be used through the VPN

without modification. Changes to the applications are independent of changes in the VPN.

SSL VPNs require tight integration with the application, as it becomes the interface to the user.

Additions or changes to the applications require commensurate changes to the web front end.

Additionally, not all applications are suitable for use through a web browser. For example, the

stateless nature of HTTP makes session-oriented applications difficult to integrate and can

provide poor performance. Conversely, e-mail and file-sharing applications are well suited to SSL

access and offer users comparable performance levels to when they are in the office.

IPSec vs. SSL: Why Choose? OpenReach, Inc.

Copyright 2002, OpenReach, Inc. 7

Cost of Ownership

SSL and IPSec VPNs are comparable in terms of capital outlay. Both require VPN-capable

servers at the corporate site to terminate remote user sessions. But because SSL VPNs do not

require client software and can be less of a deployment and management burden, their total cost

of ownership is usually less. However, to date, enterprises that want to take advantage of both

SSL and IPSec have needed to purchase and maintain separate systems, significantly increasing

the overall cost of VPN. OpenReach is the first provider to combine IPSec and SSL in a single

solution, providing a flexible and cost-effective remote access service for enterprises.

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